If I have learned anything in this business over the years, it’s that there is so much competition out there and what makes you stand out among the other guys is your client experience and all that you can offer! Think about it for a second. If you are the same price as everyone else and you offer the exact same packages, why would someone choose you over the others? It’s because of what you are offering and how you offer it!
When I really started understanding how important the client experience was, I started booking like crazy! I also began receiving the same type of reviews. People raved about the services we offered and how we offered them. When I sit down with planners I am mentoring, the first thing I ask is tell me what you think sets you apart and how would you rate your client experience? They usually think I’m a little crazy, but these are two very important questions! If you don’t know these answers, I strongly encourage you to sit down and brain dump all your answers to these questions. I bet once you do this, you will gain confidence in what you are selling and more importantly, you will start booking more clients!
Someone in our industry who I think does this incredibly well is Angie McPherson of Angie McPherson Photography! My brides are always beaming ear to ear when they work with her. I hear all about her photography magazine (yes, ya’ll…she even has a professional magazine she sends to clients) and how streamlined working with her is! When she agreed to join us for this weeks #realweddingtalk to chat all about the client experience, I couldn’t wait to hear all her tips and tricks! I think you will be super impressed and will want to implement these same tricks. You can watch the replay of our convo by clicking here.